Get contracts signed

in no time!

An e-signing and contracting tool for people who want to speed up their e-signing process.

Accelerate agreements now!
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Stay on top of signing process with Agrello

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Why Do Customers Choose Agrello?

Clock image on dark background

Save Time on Document Preparation

Edit and prepare contracts with ease. Utilise customisable templates to quickly create standardised contracts, reducing repetitive work.

Share your documents with the help of Agrello

Keep Your Team on the Same Page

In-document commenting allows for effective contract negotiations. Keep contracts organised and accessible with intuitive tools, ensuring compliance and timely follow-ups.

Agrello e-Signature

Collect Signatures Quickly

Send documents for signing without hassle. Collect e-signatures from colleagues and business partners. Track signing status and nudge people to sign.

Integrate Agrello with your other tools

Reduce Tool Fatigue

Optimize your e-signing workflows by connecting with various business tools, reducing the need for copy-pasting data from one place to another.

Try Agrello free for 14 days

14-day free trial. Getting started is really easy.

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How Does it Work?

Clock image on dark background

Prepare Contracts

  • Make last minute edits to documents with our built-in Word document editor
  • Create fillable fields in documents
  • Create your own templates for NDAs, purchase orders or employment contracts
  • Add comments to documents and enhance collaboration
  • Bulk creation is your friend if you need to create hundreds of contracts at once. Simply pair an Agrello template with an Excel spreadsheet
Edit your documents before signing in Agrello
Signing documents with Agrello e-Signature, Smart-ID, Mobile ID, Bank-ID, ID Card
Agrello e-Signature

Collect Signatures

  • Everyone can sign in the native way. Agrello supports e-signing with Swedish Bank ID, Baltic Smart ID, Mobile ID and ID Card and more
  • Customise your signing invitation emails with your company branding and customisable messages
  • Send gentle reminders to your signers to speed your contract processes up
Folder in Agrello

Manage Contracts

  • Organise and manage your documents in a team wide workspace
  • Separate your documents by folders, and control access permissions
  • Create reminders and be reminded of key dates in your contracts like expiry and renewals
Stay on top of signing process with Agrello
Agrello and Zapier working together
Integrate Agrello with your tools

Integrate Your Tools

  • Use Zapier to connect hundreds of tools to Agrello
  • Connect sales tools like Pipedrive and Hubspot
  • Or, for HR teams, tools like Bamboo HR
  • Connect other systems like Google Drive and Sharepoint to auto export your docs

Want to know whether Agrello fits you?

Get in touch with us.  Let’s discuss your needs and see how Agrello matches those.
Harry Käsk
Harry Käsk

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